What this is all about - Scroll down for latest updates!!!

This blog is all about a kayaking project for Nepali girls and our adventure to get over there and help them out. We will keep you updated through this blog with how sponsorship and donations are going and hopefully while we are over there we can keep posting on here - Thanks for checking it out.

The aim of the project is to produce a group of female river guides to work on the rivers in Nepal as safety kayakers, raft guides and kayak instructors. It will be a perfect base for the women to start training and eventually work and support themselves as employees or free lance guides within the Nepal white-water industry.

If you would like to help out in any way with this project whether it's advice, sponsorship, gear, donations, idea's or anything else then please send us an email, give us a call or follow the donations link, it would be much appreciated. Cheers

Check out Inka Trollsas's website (she is the instigator of this awesome project), which has more info about the trip and how things are going from her end. http://www.farawayadventures.com/nepaligirlkayakers.php

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Two bits of exciting news.

Josh Neilson who is a great friend of us all, has decided to come on the trip to Nepal and make a film about this project. Josh is a fantastic movie maker and has just won a years supply of red bull and a red bull fridge from a competition he entered a film in, which you can view by checking out http://www.redbullreellife.co.nz/screening-room/josh-neilson-subsistence/voting.
documented this
So that is super cool that we will have someone from NZ documenting this trip and making what i'm sure will be an awesome movie, and you will all be able to view it next year when Josh has finished the editing.

From left to right, Susmiita styling it up, Sita showing some new skills and Mona excited about learning how to kayak

Some other really cool news i heard from Inka is posted below:
She wrote this on the 8th of September,

"Sita and Susmita have just started working for Equator Expeditions as trainee river guides. I went kayaking with them on the weekend and they are doing good! They are really happy as they finally, or should I say already!! can support themselves economically kayaking! They are also working hard at the river resort "Sukute Beach" cleaning and cooking and have a lot to learn still to become guides."

and this on the 4th of October

"Mona now also started working as a trainee guide for Equator Expeditions, so 3 girls are already training and working helping teaching tourists kayaking. HRGAN, the Himalayan River Guide Association have found 9 more girls to join the river guide training in Nov / Dec."

So great news, we have 12 girls for the training programme and three of them already training with companies so when they have finished the training programme they will be straight into jobs.

Thanks for keeping updated, Sophie

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